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Bean Runner Black Knight (unavailable)

Bean Runner Black Knight (unavailable)

Regular price €5,95 EUR
Regular price Sale price €5,95 EUR
Sale Currently out of stock
Taxes included.

Currently out of stock

Juicy and almost stringless runner bean which produces lots of pods which graduate from green to dark purple/almost black as they age. It is reported to have been grown by the Bishop of Shrewsbury, Edmund Knight, and to have been passed to some of the local congregants in the late 1800’s. The beans may look a little more gnarly than most, but they are tender and juicy even when the beans begin to show.

Sow in pots or trays on a windowsill or in a greenhouse using quality compost. Cover seeds with 3.8cm (1½in) compost. Germination 7-14 days.

Grow on, planting outside with protection under cloches until frost risk has passed. Alternatively, sow direct into warm, moist soil prepared by digging and raking. Erect canes or netting to support plants, sowing one seed per cane or at 15-23cm (6-9in) intervals along the row, at a depth of 5cm (2in). Grows best in rich, well-prepared soil. Conserve moisture by mulching with manure, straw or grass clippings. Water well during dry summers.


HARVESTING;- July; August. September; October

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