Gro-Sure Multi Purpose Lawn Seed 50m2 Box
Gro-Sure Multi Purpose Lawn Seed 50m2 Box
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22 in stock
Gro-Sure Multi-Purpose Lawn Seed is a blend of quality, hard wearing seed varieties. It is ideal for starting a new lawn, over-seeding worn grass or also filling in bare patches. This specially blended seed mix is great for all lawn soil types and will provide beautiful results. The seed treatment will also help to deter away birds.
- Ideal for new lawns as well as overseeding
- Seed varieties that establishes strong root networks
- Maintains colour all season long
- Seed treatment to help deter birds from feeding
When to Use
Lawn seed may be sown from March to October. Ideally sow during March to May or September to October.
Lawn seed grows best when the soil temperature is consistently around 10—18°C. If conditions stray out of this range, time and rate of germination can be negatively impacted.
Where to Use
Existing lawns – to over-seed
Bare soil – to establish new lawns
Patches -for repairs
How to Use
Clear away any debris and remove/kill weeds before sowing.
New Lawn (or Patch Repair)
- Dig over the soil to a depth of 20-25cm
- Break down any lumps and firm the soil by treading it down
- Level out using a rake, creating a flat and even surface
Revitalising Existing Lawn
- Mow the lawn closely
- Rake or scarify the area to open up the soil surface
Tip: In dry conditions, water the soil thoroughly the day before sowing.
- Shake the box to mix up the seeds
- Lightly rake to incorporate the seed into the soil
- Walk over or roll the sown area to press the seed into the soil
- Water the area thoroughly using a fine-rose watering can or sprinkler, taking care not to wash the seeds away.
- In dry conditions, water daily to maintain soil moisture levels until seed germinates and establishes.
- Keep new lawns well watered especially in dry conditions.
- Do not use weed killers or strong fertilisers on new lawns and always read the product label before use.